DA members sworn in to 7th Limpopo Legislature

Issued by Jacques Smalle MPL – DA Provincial Chairperson
14 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

Earlier today the Democratic Alliance’s Limpopo legislature caucus was sworn in to the 7th Provincial Legislature.(See photos here and here)

DA Limpopo Provincial Leader and experienced legislator, Lindy Wilson, will serve as the caucus leader .

The DA Provincial Chairperson, Jacques Smalle, was sworn in and brings a wealth of knowledge across portfolios to the caucus.

We welcome Deputy Provincial Leader, Marie Helm and former Polokwane councillor, Tiny Chidi, to the legislature caucus.

Our new caucus members share the responsibility to serve on the portfolio committees, to hold the executive to account through oversight, actively participating in house debates, robust engagement in committee meetings and the passing of legislation to improve the lives of the people of Limpopo province.

We call on the Speaker elect to enhance transparency and cooperation between all parties serving in the 7th Limpopo Legislature through the resolute enforcement of the Standing Rules of The House.

The DA in Limpopo congratulates the new  provincial legislature caucus and wish them well in their endeavours to rescue Limpopo.