DA apprehensive about new Limpopo Executive

Issued by Lindy Wilson MPL – DA Caucus Leader- Limpopo Legislature
20 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

In a Province that has consistently under-performed at every level in the last five years, the DA hoped that Premier Ramathuba would select a cabinet that was without skeletons in the closet and able to steer Limpopo around to address poor service delivery and the plight of the poor.

MEC for COGHSTA, Basikopo Makuma, has been reappointed, despite his failings.

Municipalities are dysfunctional, in severe financial distress, riddled with corruption and unable to provide services to their communities. Not one Water Service Authority is delivering and the Human Rights Commission has declared them in violation of the Water Act.  The HRC report was clear that the MEC for COGHSTA was negligent in his oversight and monitoring of the water crisis in Limpopo.

More concerning is the appointment of Kgabo Mahoai as the MEC of Treasury. Mahoai was axed by the Directorate of International Relations and cooperation for an irregular expenditure of R118 million to obtain land in New York, which never materialised.

Mahoai has now been given the cookie jar of the Province and will manage its finances. Clearly, he is an unsuitable candidate given his history.

Re-elected Florence Radzilani, as MEC of Social Development is a red flag for the DA. Radzilani was called out on the VBS heist in an ongoing investigation, but she is called upon to manage a critical portfolio with a large budget.

Health must be of primary concern. Hospitals and clinics are under resourced, under staffed and woefully ill-equipped to deal with the needs of poor communities but the Premier has elected an MEC with no health background or experience.

The DA will be closely monitoring every portfolio at all times and hold every MEC to account for poor performance, financial management and inadequate service delivery.

While we support a spirit of co-operation, transparency and respect, we cannot sit by while the poor and vulnerable of our Province are pushed aside for party or personal gain.