Note to editors: Please see below an updated version of the statement that was released earlier. Please use this version.
The DA in Limpopo will write to the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Nakedi Kekana, to revive the Limpopo Agriculture Advice Forum (LAAF)
This follows a meeting with the members of the Vhembe Lifestock Farmers on 14 August 2024 at the Makhado Agricultural Office.
These farmers represent a large group of commercial farmers in the rural area, 20 of whom were in attendance.
The challenges these farmers experience are vast and include:
- The lack of drought relief and little or no government assistance during natural disasters, including feed assistance ;
- Communal land farmers cannot breed selectively as all the cattle roam together with various bulls in the herds which make selection impossible;
- Community Property Associations (CPA’s) do not always optimally utilize the land and various examples were noted such as Ben Levin, Mailaskop and Schoemansdal;
- Veld fires cause massive problems and firefighting equipment and training are needed to assist farmers to fight veld fires;
- The enforcement of the red line to keep Foot-and-Mouth disease out of the area;
- Poaching remains a huge challenge;
- The lack of farm visits by state veterinarians and Agricultural extension officers;
- Unfenced dip facilities;
- A need for more auction pens and the upgrading of existing ones; and
- Lack of access to finance
A functioning LAAF will provide a platform for transparent conversation, will enhance cooperation between farmers and the department as well as assist to safeguard food security in the province.