The DA in Limpopo will write to the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Thabo Mokone, to revive the Limpopo Agriculture Advice Forum (LAAF)
This follows a meeting with the members of the Vhembe Lifestock Farmers on 14 August 2024 at the Makhado Agricultural Office.
These farmers represent a large group of commercial farmers in the rural area, 20 of whom were in attendance.
The challenges these farmers experience are vast and include:
- The lack of drought relief and little or no government assistance during natural disasters, including feed assistance ;
- Communal land farmers cannot breed selectively as all the cattle roam together with various bulls in the herds which make selection impossible;
- Community Property Associations (CPA’s) do not always optimally utilize the land and various examples were noted such as Ben Levin, Mailaskop and Schoemansdal;
- Veld fires cause massive problems and firefighting equipment and training are needed to assist farmers to fight veld fires;
- The enforcement of the red line to keep Foot-and-Mouth disease out of the area;
- Poaching remains a huge challenge;
- The lack of farm visits by state veterinarians and Agricultural extension officers;
- Unfenced dip facilities;
- A need for more auction pens and the upgrading of existing ones; and
- Lack of access to finance
A functioning LAAF will provide a platform for transparent conversation, will enhance cooperation between farmers and the department as well as assist to safeguard food security in the province.