DA rejects Thabazimbi and Lephalale’s R665 800 luxury getaways while residents suffer

Issued by Councillors Thane Hearne and Sybil Nieuwoudt – DA Member of the Finance Committee- Thabazimbi Local Municipality and Committee Chairperson of the Lephalale Local Municipality
04 Mar 2025 in Press Statements

The DA will write to the Limpopo Provincial Treasury to probe the reckless and wasteful expenditure by the Thabazimbi and Lephalale Municipalities, for extravagant 2-day strategic planning sessions for councillors and officials at luxury venues, costing a combined R665,800, while communities endure service delivery failures and flood damage.

The Thabazimbi’s session at Zebula Lodge is costing R251,000, despite the municipality owing millions to bulk service providers, Lephalale, meanwhile, booked 80 councillors and officials in the 5-star Palala Boutique Hotel for R414,800.

After deliberation with Thabazimbi political head, Desiree van Der Walt MP, it was decided to send one delegate from the caucus to protect the interest of residents for attendance of daily sessions only.

DA Portfolio Chairperson of Governance , Councillor Sybil Nieuwoudt, questioned why the most expensive hotel in Lephalale is utilised for the strategic session.

The DA Lephalale caucus attempted to participate in Lephalale’s session virtually but was blocked after the ANC Whip, Councillor Joseph Mashaba, requested attending councillors to vote on the DA’s attendance on Teams. The ANC then moved to charge the party for not attending in person.

The DA will no longer tolerate wasteful expenditure and reckless spending by the administration; the wasted funds could have been spend on service delivery; fixing potholes, sewage leaks, cleaning our towns and fixing of streetlights.

It is clear that the ANC’s priorities are self -serving which is unfortunate especially for those who must live without services such as access to water.